Tuesday, February 16, 2010


So this meal was a bit intense. Everything was delicious but the pairing was lacking. I thought the sweet potatoes paired well with the scallops, however Barton did not. The pea and prosciutto concoction was too salty with the scallops. The pairing of the two made the prosciutto taste badly, even though it was fresh.

Now before I list the ingredients and instructions, my friend Cindy asked me the other day what capers are exactly. Unfortunately, I had a hard time explaining them. So Cindy, "a caper (Capparis spinosa L.) is a perennial spiny bush that bears rounded, fleshy leaves and big white to pinkish-white flowers. A caper is also the pickled bud of this plant." according to Wikipedia. They add great flavor to dishes and are generally used in Greek, French and Italian cuisine. 

Now I got the scallop recipe from Rachel Ray's 365 No Repeats. Barton and I found the pea and prosciutto recipe in Betty Crocker's Cookbook.

Ingredients for Scallops:

3 TBSP extra-virgin olive oil
2 shallots, chopped
1/4 C fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves
3 TBSP capers, drained
3/4 C dry white wine
1/2 C golden raisins
16 sea scallops, drained and trimmed
Juice of 1 Lemon
2 TBSP unsalted butter

Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add 2 TBSP extra-virgin olive oil and the chopped shallots. Cook the shallots for 2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to liking. Add the parsley and capers. Add the wine and golden raisins. Simmer for 3 minutes. Put in bowl and reserve.

Wipe out the pan with a paper towel and return to the stovetop. Raise the heat to high. Season the scallops with salt and pepper to taste. Add the remaining extra-virgin olive oil. Immediately add the scallops to the skillet. Sear the scallops in a single layer 2 minutes on each side. They will caramelize. Add the reserved sauce in the bowl to the skillet. Add the juice of the lemon. Turn the heat down to medium. Allow to simmer for 2 minutes.  Remove pan from stovetop. Put butter in scallop/sauce mixture. Allow to melt. Remove scallops and sauce from the pan, arrange on a plate and enjoy. 

Ingredients for Peas and Prosciutto:

1/4 C olive oil
1/3 LB prosciutto, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
2 LB fresh green peas, (I used frozen green peas 2 1/2 C)
1/2 C chicken broth
1 TBSP sugar
1 TBSP chopped fresh parsley
1/4 TSP salt

In 10" skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Cook prosciutto and onion in oil until onion is tender, stirring frequently.

Reduce the heat to medium. Add the remaining ingredients. Cover and cook for 10 minutes or until the peas are tender. 


Sweet Potato Mash:

-Put about 3 C water in pot. Set pot on stovetop. Put heat on high and bring water to a boil.
-While the water is warming, rinse and peel the potatoes. Cut into small pieces.
-Once water has come to a boil, carefully place sweet potato pieces into the boiling water. 
-Boil until the potato pieces are tender when poked with a fork.
-Drain the potatoes. Season as desired. Mash with electric mixer or potato masher. 

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